XI Malta Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival

XI Malta Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival in Malta, Arts/Culture Malta, 29.04.2017 - 29.04.2017


​16 Fireworks Factories Competing in the 11th Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival

The Floriana Local Council is proud to announce that it will organize the eleventh edition of the Malta Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival. The Festival will be held on the Granaries (St Publius Square) - the largest square in Malta, on Saturday 29th April, 2017 on the eve of the Feast of St Publius, Floriana’s and Malta's Patron Saint. Undoubtedly, the key factor which keeps us organising the festival each year is the resounding success of the past ten editions. The festival will once again be competitive. A record of 16 Fireworks Factories / Associations will be competing for the title, each exhibiting two Catherine wheels. Given the large expanse of open space the Granaries afford, the Catherine wheels in competition are always very large. Ground fireworks are a unique Maltese pyrotechnic tradition, and an extremely important part of the outdoor festa celebrations in Malta & Gozo. Each fireworks factory does its very best to improve on previous structures and invent new mechanisms. Naturally, competition and pique between the various factories ensures high standards for each firework.


Il-Kunsill Lokali Floriana bi pjaċir mill-ġdid se jorganizza l-ħdax–il edizzjoni tal-Festival Nazzjonali tal-Logħob tan-Nar tal-Art Mekkanizzat fi Pjazza San Publju (il-Fosos) fil-Floriana, nhar is-Sibt 29 ta’ April, 2017. Il-Festival ta’ din is-sena se jerġa jkun wieħed kompetittiv. Infatti 16 –il Kumpless/Għaqda tan-Nar se jkunu qed jikkompetu għat-titlu. Il-Festival ta’ din is-sena se jerġa jkun wieħed kompettitiv, fejn kull Għaqda tan-Nar se tesebixxi l-aħjar żewġ biċċiet tan-Nar tagħhom mill-ġdid fl-akbar pjazza li għandna f’Malta – fuq il-Fosos tal-Floriana u f’ambjent tipiku ta’ festa Maltija, il-festa titulari tal-Floriana ad unur San Publju, patrun tal-lokal u ta’ Malta.

Il-partecipanti tal-Festival skont l-ordni li ħa jesebixxu, huma dawn;
- Il-Kumpless tan-Nar 15 ta’ Awwissu – Mosta
- Għaqda tan-Nar Soċjeta Mużikali Maria Bambina, Banda Vittorja, Naxxar
- Għaqda tan-Nar San Ġużepp, Kalkara
- Għaqda tan-Nar Maria Bambina, Naxxar
- Il-Kumpless tan-Nar San Leonardu, Ħal Kirkop
- Il-Kumpless tan-Nar Santa Katarina, Żurrieq
- Għaqda tan-Nar Sagra Familja, Kalkara
- Għaqda tan-Nar Madonna tad-Duttrina, Ħal Tarxien
- Kummissjoni Piroteknika Santa Katarina, Għaqda Banda Żejtun, Żejtun
- Il-Kumpless tan-Nar Mount Carmel, Żurrieq
- Il-Kumpless tan-Nar Madonna tal-Ġilju, Mqabba
- Il-Kumpless tan-Nar San Mikiel, Ħal Lija
- Il-Kumpless tan-Nar San Ġuzepp, Ħaż-Żebbuġ
- Għaqda tan-Nar San Gabriel, Ħal Tarxien
- Kummissjoni Nar San Pietru fil-Ktajjen, Birżebbuġa
- Għaqda tan-Nar 22 ta’ Frar, Birżebbuġa

Il-Festival Nazzjonali tan-Nar tal-Art Mekkanizzat 2017 qed jerġa jkun ikkordinat għall-ħdax-il sena konsekuttiva minn Leon Promotions.

Purchase XI Malta Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival Tickets Online

Event Details

Event Type:



The Granaries, Floriana

Start Date:

29 April 2017

End Date:

29 April 2017



James Aaron Ellul






The Granaries


XI Malta Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival
Il-Fossos, Floriana - Arts/Culture